Ragdoll vs Siamese: Who Wins the Cat Crown?

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The world of feline aficionados often finds itself split between two iconic breeds: the Ragdoll and the Siamese. Both have their unique allure, history, and quirks. As an ardent cat lover, I’ve spent years navigating the captivating realms of these two breeds. If you’re torn between welcoming a Ragdoll or a Siamese into your home, let’s delve into a detailed comparison to see who wins the cat crown.

Ragdolls and Siamese are distinct cat breeds. Ragdolls originated in California in the 1960s and are large, docile, and have semi-longhaired coats. Siamese cats from Thailand are medium-sized, vocal, and have short, fine coats with striking color points.

Here’s a comparison table showcasing the differences and similarities between Ragdoll and Siamese cats:

Comparison Table: Ragdoll vs. Siamese

OriginCalifornia, 1960sThailand (Formerly Siam)
SizeAmong the largest domesticated breedsMedium-sized
Coat TypeSilky, semi-longhairedShort, fine
TemperamentDocile, affectionateVocal, extroverted
Lifespan12-15 yearsLate teens to early twenties
Health ConcernsSusceptible to certain genetic conditionsProne to specific genetic issues
Care RequirementsRegular brushing, general careWeekly brushing, play sessions

With their unique characteristics and charm, both breeds have captured the hearts of cat enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you lean towards the serene nature of the Ragdoll or the spirited demeanor of the Siamese, both cats promise a rewarding companionship experience.

Delve deeper into the captivating worlds of Ragdolls and Siamese cats. This comprehensive guide will help you understand and appreciate these beloved feline breeds, from their rich historical backgrounds to unique temperaments and care requirements.

Ragdolls, originating in California in the 1960s, are known for their large size and silky, semi-longhaired coats. They are docile and affectionate, making them ideal companions for families. Regular brushing is essential to maintain their coat’s beauty and health.

Siamese cats from Thailand are medium-sized with short, fine coats. They are vocal and extroverted, often engaging in “conversations” with their owners. Their social and active nature requires regular play sessions and weekly brushing to keep them happy and healthy.

Both breeds have specific health concerns and care needs. Ragdolls are prone to certain genetic conditions, while Siamese cats also have genetic health issues. Regular veterinary check-ups and proper care ensure a long, healthy life for both breeds.

1. Breed History

Every cat breed carries with it a rich tapestry of history and evolution. The stories of their origins, intertwined with human history, provide fascinating insights into their present-day characteristics and behaviors.

Among the myriad of cat breeds, the Ragdoll and Siamese stand out not just for their distinct appearances but also for their compelling historical backgrounds. Let’s journey back in time and discover the origins of these iconic felines.

The historical backgrounds of Ragdoll and Siamese cats reveal fascinating insights into their development and enduring popularity. Here is a comparison table summarizing their origins and key historical aspects.

OriginCalifornia, 1960sThailand (formerly Siam)
Key FigureAnn Baker, breederEsteemed in Thai royal households
Foundational CatJosephine, a white longhaired catDepicted in 14th-century Thai manuscripts
Distinctive TraitsCalm nature, goes limp when picked upSlender bodies, pointed color patterns
AppearanceDeveloped for docile temperament and beautyAlmond-shaped blue eyes, vocal nature
Historical SignificanceRecent development in cat breedingAncient breed with centuries of history
Cultural ImpactBeloved for gentle temperament and striking looksHighly esteemed by Thai nobility, engaging personality
Enduring PopularityPopular among cat enthusiasts seeking a serene companionCherished for beauty and lively temperament

The Ragdoll and Siamese breeds’ histories highlight their unique characteristics and showcase their journey from their origins to their current status as beloved companions worldwide.

Origin of Ragdoll

The Ragdoll breed, originating in California in the 1960s, is known for its calm nature and tendency to go limp when picked up, earning its name. This unique breed was developed by Ann Baker, with a cat named Josephine playing a key role in its creation. Ragdolls are beloved for their gentle temperament and striking appearance.

The Ragdoll breed traces its roots to California in the 1960s, emerging relatively recently in the cat world. Known for their placid nature and tendency to go limp when picked up, these cats have a distinctive name that aptly describes their behavior. Their calm and affectionate demeanor makes them popular among cat enthusiasts.

A white longhaired cat named Josephine is central to the Ragdoll’s origin story. Owned by Ann Baker, a local breeder, Josephine played a pivotal role in the breed’s development. Baker carefully selected traits to create a cat with a docile temperament and stunning looks, resulting in the Ragdoll we know today.

Ann Baker’s breeding efforts emphasized the Ragdoll’s physical attributes and unique personality. She aimed to produce a cat that was not only beautiful but also gentle and easygoing. This combination of traits has made the Ragdoll a favorite among cat lovers seeking a serene and loving companion.

The mix of fact and lore surrounding the Ragdoll’s origin adds to its charm. While some aspects of its history are well-documented, the blend of stories and anecdotes about its development enhances the allure of this Californian star. The Ragdoll remains a testament to careful breeding and a deep understanding of feline behavior.

Siamese Origin

Siamese cats, originating from Thailand (formerly Siam), are one of the oldest and most recognizable breeds. Esteemed in royal households, their slender bodies, pointed color patterns, almond-shaped blue eyes, and vocal nature have made them favorites for centuries. Ancient manuscripts from the 14th century depict these elegant cats, showcasing their long-standing charm.

Before they became beloved pets worldwide, Siamese cats held a prestigious place in the royal households of Thailand. Their unique appearance and dignified demeanor made them highly esteemed among the nobility. This ancient breed’s roots can be traced back to manuscripts dating from the 14th century, highlighting their slender bodies and pointed color patterns.

These ancient manuscripts provide valuable insights into the Siamese cat’s long history. The drawings and descriptions match the modern Siamese’s distinctive features, including their almond-shaped blue eyes and vocal nature. Their striking looks and engaging personalities have kept them popular for centuries.

Siamese cats are known for their beauty, vocal, and social nature. They often engage in conversations with their owners, displaying extroversion uncommon in many other breeds. This combination of physical elegance and lively temperament makes them a cherished breed among cat lovers.

Siamese cats’ rich history and timeless appeal continue to captivate cat enthusiasts. Their journey from ancient Thai royal courts to homes worldwide is a testament to their enduring charm and unique qualities. The Siamese cat remains an ancient Asian gem, treasured for its beauty, history, and personality.

2. Appearance and Physical Traits

While personality and temperament play a significant role in choosing a feline companion, a cat’s appearance often creates the first impression. The allure of a cat’s physical traits, from the shine in its eyes to the texture of its coat, holds a charm that’s hard to resist.

While distinct in their looks, Ragdolls and Siamese cats exude elegance, making them favorites among cat aficionados. Let’s delve deeper into the captivating aesthetics of these two breeds.

Here is a comparison of the appearance and physical traits of Ragdoll and Siamese cats, showcasing their unique and captivating aesthetics.

Size10 to 20 pounds (Males larger than females)5 to 10 pounds
Coat TypeSemi-longhaired, soft, cashmere-likeShort, fine, sleek
Color PatternsColor-point patterns (ears, face, paws, tail)Distinct color points (ears, face, paws, tail)
Eye ColorDeep-set blue, described as “oceanic”Almond-shaped, deep blue
Body StructureLarge, robust, plushStreamlined, slender, lithe
Distinct FeaturesGentle, approachable, majesticRadiates intelligence, curiosity
Grooming NeedsRegular grooming to maintain coat’s softness and sheenMinimal grooming needed
Temperament ReflectionCalm, affectionate, follows ownersVocal, social, graceful movements

Ragdoll and Siamese cats’ physical traits highlight their beauty, distinct personalities, and temperaments, making them beloved choices among cat enthusiasts.

Ragdoll Appearance and Physical Traits

Ragdolls, known as graceful giants, are among the largest domesticated cat breeds, weighing 10 to 20 pounds. Their plush, semi-longhaired coats and striking color-point patterns, reminiscent of Siamese cats, enhance their majestic appearance. Their deep-set blue eyes, described as “oceanic,” add to their gentle allure.

Ragdolls truly embody the phrase “beauty in size.” As one of the largest domesticated cat breeds, a fully grown Ragdoll can weigh between 10 to 20 pounds. Males are typically larger than females, adding to their impressive presence. Their soft, cashmere-like coats make them incredibly cuddly and approachable despite their size.

The color-point patterns of Ragdolls are reminiscent of Siamese cats, with darker shades gracing their ears, faces, paws, and tails. This striking contrast against their lighter body color makes them visually captivating. Their semi-longhaired coats add to their beauty and require regular grooming to maintain their softness and sheen.

One of the most enchanting features of Ragdolls is their deep-set blue eyes, often described as “oceanic.” These eyes exude a gentle and inquisitive gaze, making them appear majestic and approachable. Their calm and affectionate nature is perfectly mirrored in their serene and captivating eyes.

Ragdolls are not just about looks; their gentle and laid-back temperament makes them ideal companions. They are known for their docile nature and love for human interaction, often following their owners around the house. This combination of beauty, size, and gentle personality makes Ragdolls graceful giants in the world of domesticated cats.

Siamese Appearance and Physical Traits

Siamese cats epitomize feline grace with their streamlined physique and lithe movements. Weighing between 5 to 10 pounds, they move with a dancer’s elegance. Their sleek, short coats, accentuated by distinct color points, enhance their elegance. The almond-shaped, deep blue eyes of Siamese cats radiate intelligence and curiosity.

The Siamese breed is known for its sleek and elegant appearance. Typically weighing 5 to 10 pounds, their svelte bodies are perfectly designed for graceful, fluid movements. Every step they take exudes a dancer’s elegance, making them a living embodiment of feline poise.

Their short, fine coats add to their streamlined look. The distinct color points on their ears, faces, paws, and tails come in various shades, from seal and chocolate to lilac, creating a striking contrast against their lighter bodies. This unique coloration pattern enhances their sophisticated and sleek appearance.

Perhaps the most mesmerizing feature of Siamese cats is their almond-shaped, deep blue eyes. These eyes, often described as radiating intelligence and curiosity, have captivated many and even inspired poetic verses. The deep blue hue and almond shape give them an expressive and captivating look that is hard to resist.

Siamese cats are not just visually stunning; their personalities are equally engaging. They are known for their vocal and social nature, often engaging in “conversations” with their owners. This combination of sleek elegance and vibrant personality makes the Siamese breed truly special, a beloved choice for cat enthusiasts worldwide.

3. Temperament and Behavior

While a cat’s appearance might draw us in, their temperament and behavior make us fall in love. How a cat interacts with its environment, human companions, and even other pets can significantly influence the bond we share with them.

Despite their differences in appearance, the Ragdoll and Siamese breeds have distinct personalities that have endeared them to cat lovers worldwide. Let’s explore the unique behavioral traits of these two renowned feline breeds.

The temperaments and behaviors of Ragdoll and Siamese cats offer unique qualities that endear them to cat lovers worldwide. Here is a comparison table summarizing their distinct behavioral traits and personalities.

Nickname“Puppy cat”“Vocal socialite”
Interaction with OwnersGreets owners at the door, follows them aroundCenter of household activities, loves attention
NatureGentle, placid, tolerantOutgoing, strong desire for human interaction
VocalizationGenerally quietHighly vocal, uses meows, purrs, and chirps
Affection LevelHighly affectionate, enjoys being heldHighly affectionate, engages in conversations
Suitability for FamiliesIdeal for households with children and other petsThrives on companionship, can experience separation anxiety
IntelligenceCalm and observantHighly intelligent, enjoys interactive play
PlayfulnessGentle play, enjoys batting and hunting toysEnergetic play, enjoys interactive toys and games like fetch
Tolerance to HandlingVery tolerant, often goes limp when heldEnjoys attention but may be less tolerant of extended handling
AdaptabilityAdapts well to multi-pet householdsMay need gradual introductions with other pets

Understanding the unique temperaments and behaviors of Ragdoll and Siamese cats helps form strong bonds with these feline companions. Their distinct qualities cater to different preferences, ensuring a perfect match for various household dynamics.

Ragdoll Temperament and Behavior

The Ragdoll, often called the “puppy cat,” is known for its gentle, dog-like behavior. These cats greet their owners at the door and follow them, showing a placid and tolerant nature. Ideal for households with children and other pets, Ragdolls are affectionate companions who thrive on human interaction.

Ragdolls are often dubbed “puppy cats” due to their canine-like behavior. They have a unique tendency to greet their owners at the door and follow them from room to room. This affectionate and loyal nature sets them apart from other cat breeds, making them delightful companions.

This breed is renowned for its gentle and placid disposition. Unlike many cats, Ragdolls are usually quite tolerant of being held and often go limp in your arms, true to their name. Their calm demeanor makes them especially well-suited for households with children, as they can tolerate the unpredictable nature of young kids.

However, teaching children how to handle pets with care and respect is essential to ensure a harmonious relationship. Ragdolls are patient and gentle, but proper handling is crucial for their well-being. Their serene nature and tolerance make them an excellent choice for families.

Additionally, Ragdolls typically get along well with other pets, making them a harmonious addition to multi-pet households. Their friendly and easygoing nature allows them to coexist peacefully with other animals. This adaptability further enhances their reputation as ideal family pets, providing warmth and companionship to everyone in the household.

Siamese Temperament and Behavior

Siamese cats, known for their vocal and social nature, thrive on human interaction and are often the center of household activities. They communicate using a range of meows, purrs, and chirps and enjoy conversing with their owners. Their intelligence and playful antics make them delightful companions, although they can experience separation anxiety if left alone for long periods.

The Siamese cat is impossible to ignore, characterized by its outgoing nature and strong desire for human interaction. These cats often find themselves at the center of household activities, enjoying the attention and social engagement. Their presence is always felt, and they love being involved in whatever happens around them.

Notably vocal, Siamese cats employ a range of meows, purrs, and chirps to communicate their feelings and needs. They often engage in “conversations” with their owners, responding to speech and seeking interaction. This vocal behavior is a defining trait of the breed, making them entertaining and communicative companions.

Their intelligence is evident in their playful antics. Siamese cats often seek out interactive toys and enjoy games like fetch, showcasing their quick wit and energetic nature. These activities keep them physically active and mentally stimulated, essential for their overall well-being.

Due to their sociable nature, Siamese cats thrive on companionship. They can experience separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods, making it important for owners to provide ample attention and interaction. Their need for social engagement means they are best suited for households where they can be part of the daily routine and enjoy the company of their human family members.

4. Health and Lifespan

Our feline friends bring joy, comfort, and love into our lives, and naturally, we want them to be with us for as long as possible. A combination of genetics, care, nutrition, and regular medical check-ups influences the health and longevity of our cats.

While some breeds are known for their robust health and long lives, others might require more attention in certain areas. When considering the Ragdoll and Siamese breeds, it’s essential to understand their health predispositions to provide them with the best care possible.

Understanding the health and lifespan of Ragdoll and Siamese cats is crucial for providing the best care possible. Here is a comparison table summarizing their health predispositions and care requirements.

Average Lifespan12 to 15 yearsLate teens to early twenties
General HealthGenerally robust and healthyKnown for impressive longevity
Common Health IssuesHypertrophic cardiomyopathy, obesityRespiratory and dental problems, amyloidosis
Regular Vet Check-upsCrucial for early detection of genetic conditionsEssential for managing genetic issues and monitoring health
Diet and Weight ManagementBalanced diet and regular exercise to prevent obesityNutritious diet and monitoring for signs of health issues
Grooming NeedsRegular brushing to maintain semi-longhaired coatMinimal grooming needed due to short coat
Preventative CareRoutine grooming, balanced diet, regular vet visitsRegular vet care, attention to behavioral/physical changes
Health ManagementRegular monitoring and early interventionEarly detection and treatment of health issues

Providing the best care for Ragdoll and Siamese cats involves understanding their unique health needs and ensuring they receive regular veterinary attention, a nutritious diet, and proper grooming. This care ensures they remain healthy and happy companions for many years.

Ragdoll Health and Lifespan

The Ragdoll breed is known for its gentle disposition and robust health. With an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years, Ragdolls can live fulfilling lives with proper care. They can be predisposed to genetic conditions like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, so regular vet check-ups, a balanced diet, and routine grooming are essential.

Ragdolls are generally sturdy and healthy cats known for their gentle and affectionate nature. They have a good average lifespan of 12 to 15 years, allowing for many years of companionship with the right care. Their robust health makes them a reliable choice for families and individuals alike.

Despite their hardiness, Ragdolls can be predisposed to specific genetic conditions, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a form of heart disease. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial to monitoring their health and catching potential issues early. Preventative care is key to ensuring a long, healthy life for your Ragdoll.

Maintaining a healthy diet and monitoring their weight is also essential for this breed. Ragdolls can be prone to obesity, which can lead to other health problems. Providing a balanced diet and encouraging regular exercise through play can help keep your Ragdoll at a healthy weight.

Routine grooming is another important aspect of caring for a Ragdoll. Their semi-longhaired coats benefit from regular brushing to prevent matting and keep their fur looking its best. With proper care, including diet, exercise, grooming, and regular vet visits, your Ragdoll can thrive and be a loving, sturdy companion for many years.

Siamese Health and Lifespan

Siamese cats are known for their impressive longevity, often living into their late teens or even twenties. Despite this, they can face health issues like respiratory and dental problems and a higher risk of amyloidosis, a liver disease. Regular vet visits, attentive care, and a nutritious diet can help ensure a long, healthy life.

Siamese cats are celebrated for their long lifespan, with many living well into their late teens and some reaching their twenties. This longevity makes them one of the longest-lived feline breeds. Their extended lifespan allows many years of companionship, making them cherished pets for those who love a long-term bond.

Despite their impressive lifespan, Siamese cats are not without health concerns. They can be prone to genetic issues, including respiratory and dental problems. These issues require attentive care and regular veterinary check-ups to manage effectively. Early detection and treatment are key to maintaining their health.

Another health concern for Siamese cats is amyloidosis, a disease that affects the liver. This condition requires careful monitoring and management. Regular veterinary visits are crucial to catch any signs early and provide appropriate treatment to mitigate the impact of this disease.

Ensuring a long and healthy life for a Siamese cat involves a combination of regular veterinary care, a nutritious diet, and close attention to any behavioral or physical changes. You can help your Siamese cat remain an active, vital, and beloved family member for many years by providing comprehensive care.

5. Care and Maintenance

Every cat breed, with its unique characteristics, demands specific care routines. These routines keep cats looking their best and ensure their well-being and happiness.

While some feline breeds may require meticulous grooming, others might need more playtime or mental stimulation. If you’re torn between the luxurious Ragdoll and the vivacious Siamese, understanding their care requirements might make your decision easier. Let’s delve into the best maintenance and care practices of these two popular breeds.

Understanding the care requirements of Ragdoll and Siamese cats is essential for their well-being and happiness. Here is a comparison table summarizing their care and maintenance needs.

Coat TypeSemi-longhaired, softShort, fine, sleek
Grooming NeedsRegular brushing a few times a weekSimple weekly brush-down
Enjoyment of GroomingTypically enjoys grooming sessionsGenerally receptive to minimal grooming
Play and Exercise NeedsModerate, enjoys gentle playHigh energy, requires ample mental and physical stimulation
Preferred Play ActivitiesBatting and hunting soft toysInteractive toys, puzzle feeders, fetch
Attention RequirementsRelatively low maintenance, calm temperamentHigh attention needs, thrives on interaction
Ideal EnvironmentIndoors or safe, enclosed outdoor spacesIndoor with plenty of interactive play opportunities
Bonding ActivitiesGrooming, gentle playInteractive play, engaging in conversations
Safety ConsiderationsBest kept indoors due to docile natureNeeds mental stimulation to prevent boredom

Providing the right care and maintenance tailored to the specific needs of Ragdoll and Siamese cats ensures they remain healthy, happy, and well-adjusted companions.

Ragdoll Care and Maintenance

The Ragdoll cat, with its semi-longhaired coat, requires regular brushing a few times a week to prevent tangles and mats, ensuring they look their best and stay healthy. Ragdolls usually enjoy this grooming, turning it into a bonding activity with their owners. Besides grooming, they are low-maintenance but should be kept indoors or in safe, enclosed spaces due to their docile nature.

Regular brushing is essential for maintaining the Ragdoll’s beautiful coat. A few weekly brushing sessions help remove loose hair, prevent matting, and reduce the risk of hairballs. This keeps the coat looking pristine and promotes good skin health.

Fortunately, Ragdolls typically enjoy the grooming process. Their affectionate and gentle nature makes them receptive to brushing, making it a pleasant bonding time with their owners. This routine can strengthen your relationship with your Ragdoll, making it a cherished part of your cat’s care.

Aside from grooming, Ragdolls are relatively low maintenance. Their calm and docile temperament means they don’t require constant attention or stimulation. However, due to their trusting nature, keeping them indoors or in a safe, enclosed outdoor area is best. This protects them from potential dangers and ensures their safety.

Siamese Care and Maintenance

With their sleek and short coats, Siamese cats require minimal grooming. A simple weekly brush-down keeps their coat in top condition by removing loose hairs and maintaining its shine. However, Siamese cats are energetic and thrive on mental and physical stimulation. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and regular play sessions are essential to keep them fit and mentally sharp.

The grooming needs of Siamese cats are straightforward due to their short, fine coats. A weekly brushing session is usually sufficient to remove loose hairs and maintain their lustrous appearance. This low-maintenance grooming routine makes them an easy choice for busy owners.

Despite their simple grooming needs, Siamese cats are anything but low-energy. They are highly active and intelligent, requiring plenty of mental and physical stimulation. Providing interactive toys and engaging them in regular play sessions helps satisfy their energetic nature and keeps them entertained.

Puzzle feeders are a great way to challenge their minds and prevent boredom. These activities not only keep Siamese cats physically fit but also mentally sharp. Engaging with your Siamese cat through play and interactive games strengthens your bond and ensures they lead a fulfilling life.

In conclusion, while Siamese cats are low-maintenance in grooming, they need ample mental and physical stimulation. Regular play, interactive toys, and puzzle feeders are essential to keep them healthy and content. Embracing their energetic nature can lead to a rewarding companionship with these lively, intelligent felines.

Final Note

Ragdolls and Siamese cats, each with unique charm and characteristics, have captivated cat enthusiasts for years. With their gentle demeanor, Ragdolls make perfect companions for those seeking a laid-back feline friend. In contrast, the lively and vocal Siamese offers an energetic partnership.

Both breeds, backed by rich histories and distinct appearances, hold their own in the feline world. Choosing between them boils down to personal preference, but regardless of the choice, both promise a rewarding companionship.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which cat breed is larger, the Ragdoll or the Siamese?

Ragdolls are typically larger and often considered one of the largest domesticated cat breeds. Siamese cats are medium-sized with a more slender physique.

Are Ragdolls truly like “dogs” in their behavior?

Many Ragdoll owners liken their behavior to dogs because of their affectionate nature and tendency to follow their humans around. However, every cat is an individual, and behavior can vary.

Why are Siamese cats known to be “vocal”?

Siamese cats have a strong vocal personality. They often “chat” or “talk” to their owners, expressing their needs or simply engaging in a “conversation.”

Which cat breed has a longer lifespan?

While both breeds can live long lives with proper care, Siamese cats are particularly known for their longevity, sometimes reaching their late teens or early twenties.

Do Ragdolls require frequent grooming?

Given their semi-longhaired coat, regular brushing a few times a week is beneficial to prevent tangles and mats.

Are Siamese cats good for households with children and other pets?

Yes, Siamese cats are known to be social and usually get along well with children and other pets, given proper introductions.

Can Ragdolls be outdoor cats?

Due to their docile nature, keeping Ragdolls indoors or in safe, enclosed outdoor spaces is recommended to protect them from threats.

What’s the primary dietary difference between the two breeds?

Both breeds thrive on a high-quality diet rich in animal proteins. However, the Ragdoll, given its larger size, might require slightly more food or calories.

Are there any common health issues I should know about for these breeds?

Both breeds are generally healthy. However, like all breeds, they can be susceptible to certain genetic conditions, so regular vet check-ups are essential.

Which breed is more active and playful?

While both breeds have their playful moments, Siamese cats are known to be more active and energetic, often engaging in interactive play sessions with their owners.

Niaj A A Khan is deeply passionate about Ragdoll cats, sharing his extensive knowledge and love for these gentle giants through his writing. His expert advice on care, behavior, and the unique needs of Ragdolls offers invaluable support to owners and enthusiasts alike.

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